Sunday, 13 September 2015


Our walk started at 9.50 am from the Millennium Dome, Greenwich.  It seems bizarre that, just a month ago, the area would have been packed with visitors.  Fantastic walking weather – sunny, but very cold, with a covering of snow.

We found our way to the Thames Path and our first proper view of the Barrier.  The water was very still and peaceful.  Very soon we reached the Barrier and we were looking forward to visiting the information centre.  Unfortunately, it doesn’t open until 5 February 2001.  The toilets were open however and they had the smallest cubicles known to man (or woman in this case).

Had a sit down outside the coffee shop (opens beginning of March!).  Paul had prepared a flask of coffee for us so we had a quick drink and we were on our way again.

There was no path by the river from here on so we made our way inland, through Charlton and Woolwich.  Very depressing area, so I’ll say no more about it.

We were back onto dual carriageways as we made towards Thamesmead.  Having seen signs for a new superstore, we decided that we would have lunch there.  After nearly an hour of walking along grass verges, through the car park of Belmarsh Prison and the central reservation of a dual carriageway, we finally made it to civilisation and Safeway.

Whilst tucking into our jacket potato with beans and cheese (Susan) and chips (me), we checked the map.  We were spurred on by the fact that, dependent on the weather, we could reach Gravesend on Sunday … that’s nearly the seaside!

Away we went, this time following the Green Chain path that ran all the way to Erith, our probable destination for the day.  Highlights included a three legged cat, children trying to kill themselves by walking across the frozen river that ran alongside the path and flats that had garden sheds on their balconies.

On a hillside just outside the estate were the ruined walls of Lesnes Abbey.  They seem to be very well looked after, although I’m sure they get a bit of stick from the local yobs from time to time.  It looked really pretty with its snow capped walls so we sat down and had another coffee.

It was starting to get cold again, so we headed off into the woods that lie on the outskirts of Erith.  We saw a fox, squirrels and various birds.  Well, I did.  Susan pretended to see them as she didn’t have her specs on.

Reached Erith station at 4.05 pm just in time for our legs to give way.  We’ll have to see what the weather is like tomorrow before we set out.  The forecast is not favourable.


7.30 am.  Got up.  Raining.  Went back to bed.

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