Monday, 31 August 2015

Day 25 – Saturday 12 August 2000 - Rochford to Southend

12 miles walked today

330.5 miles walked in total (average 13.22)

Vicky Church (B.Eng, ARGE*) and myself (BOE**) left Ashford this morning at 7.30 am and were in Rochford and ready to walk just after nine o’clock.

We didn’t have a promising start as the footpath took us into an industrial estate where we proceeded to get lost.  When we finally got out onto the right road and located the next footpath (which also led nowhere), we decided to cut our losses and keep to the roads for a while.

It wasn’t long before we found a path which took us through farmland – dried peas and brussel sprouts, followed by potatoes and the odd courgette plant.  At Little Wakering, the path led into the pub garden of the Castle Inn – very handy – where a line dancing festival was in progress.  At least, the American flags were flying and Billy Jo Spears was blaring from the speakers, but there no dancers to speak of.  Apparently, the landlord was also expecting a “bucking bronco” to be there, according to the posters, but we didn’t see him either.

After a quick drink, we carried on, on paths and roads to Great Wakering to have lunch in a shady part of a graveyard.  (According to our taxi driver later in the day, the temperature reached 31 degrees at 1.30 pm today.  We can quite believe it.)

After lunch, we were back on roads to Shoeburyness, but had to keep out of the firing range.  We did trespass a little though – just to show that rebellion doesn’t necessarily exclude walkers.

Back on roads to Southend, which was (predictably) heaving with holiday makers, hen parties and numerous weddings, judging by the amount of decorated cars we saw.  We even saw an open top bus with a wedding party on.  We had great difficulty finding somewhere to stay – one place was so awful, it didn’t bear thinking about what breakfast would involve.  It was cheap, but the landlord stank of beer and BO and even procured two men from an adjoining room for us – thanks, but no thanks.

After discussion, we got a taxi back to the car and then spent ninety minutes driving whilst ‘phoning tourist offices, Talking Pages, Directory Enquiries, guest houses and pubs in the Good Pub Guide.  We finally struck lucky at the Ferry Boat Inn at North Fambridge – where Vicky and I had lunch on a previous walking weekend.  The pub has six weatherboarded apartments at the back of the pub with the most comfortable beds I’d ever seen – really high and soft – like the Princess and the Pea!  And for exactly the same price as we were asked for in the hovel in Southend – excellent!

A very good end to quite a trying day – it’s probably been too hot to walk anyway and, despite the suncream liberally applied all day, Vicky and I have some very odd stripey suntans, thanks to walking with the sun on our left for part of the day, not to mention the rucksack straps.  How very attractive!

* All Round Good Egg ** Barbecue Organiser Extraordinaire

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