Thursday, 23 July 2015

Day 2 – Wednesday 4 August 1999 - Sheringham to Bacton

15 miles walked today

24.5 miles walked in total (average 12.25)

Earlyish start today after breakfast at the Youth Hostel.  Walked along the front for a couple of miles, but decided to head up the cliffs to avoid the shingle.  At the top, we turned back to find we had avoided Beeston Hill too – phew!
I’m not very good at hills and steps and frequently looked up to see Nicholas at the top yelling encouragement and promising me I could have a drink and a break when I made it!

A thick fog came down as we entered Cromer which was disappointing, although it was still very hot.  Because there are caravan parks all along the cliffs and the coast path is no longer accessible, we ended up doing some road walking.
Fortified after a cream tea in Cromer, we made our way up to the cliffs to the lighthouse and only just saw it through the fog.  Then followed a good springy walk through the golf course, which is laid out in terraces down the side of the cliff, to Overstrand where, again, we were back on road for a good eight miles to our target of Bacton.

This walking was very difficult and we both found it very tiresome and sloggy.  Nicholas decided he couldn’t go any further than Paston (only one and a half miles short of Bacton), but seemed reluctant and disappointed to admit defeat.  However, twenty-three miles in blistering heat with a rucksack for an eleven year old over two days is no mean feat and deserves recognition.  Very well done, mate!

So Amanda was summoned to pick Nicholas up – and my rucksack too.  Oh, what bliss!  What joy!  A couple of burden free miles!

The last bit through Bacton gas terminal would hardly be called scenic for most people, but it brought back some lovely memories of the past couple of years while I worked there.  Bacton gas terminal threw up some of the best opportunities I’ve ever had.

Last stretch of walk was along the beach, but I resisted all thought of going for a paddle.  I knew that, once I’d got my boots and socks off, I’d have to be wrestled back into them!

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