Sunday, 22 October 2017

Day 52 – Sunday 30 December 2001 - Fairlight Country Park to St Leonards on Sea

5.5 miles walked today

626 miles walked in total (average 12.03)

I didn’t get to walk yesterday, as, when I got up at seven, I discovered a layer of snow over everything outside!  Instead, I had a fairly unsuccessful shopping spree in Worthing.  The snow had cleared up by yesterday afternoon and, when I woke this morning, there’d been no new snowfalls, so I decided to risk it.

I was parked at the Fairlight Country Park at nine thirty and ready to walk.  I was somewhere between excitement at wanting to walk and trepidation about falling – there was still a lot of snow about, but it had turned to ice in places and I’m renowned for having very little balance in dry conditions, never mind glacial ones!  It’s been a very crisp morning and I really enjoyed it as I got my first glimpse of Hastings.

The steps down from the east cliff were quite treacherous so I slowed down somewhat to get down those and then the Tamarisk Steps down to the old net drying sheds.  I had a quick look at the high street in the old town before heading down George Street.  Unlike Rye, Hastings old town seems to be exactly as I remembered it, with the exception of the new Vodka Bar/ Internet Café!

I left George Street with rather more than I’d entered it – two pairs of trousers and a top!  What to do now?  Carry on walking or stop and go shopping instead?  I took the funicular lift inside the west cliff up to the café for a hot chocolate and some decision making.

When I left Hastings six years ago, I didn’t say goodbye to quite a few people, so always thought I’d have to walk through the town in disguise in case I was spotted.  Lots of memories have been awoken today, not all bad.  I know that many people would disagree with me – especially Mum and Dad – but I still think Hastings is a magical place.  It wasn’t always good, but it wasn’t always bad either.  I met some lovely people here and grew up a lot.  It will always be a bit special, even if I never come back again.  (Although I will come back eventually – Sam’s under strict instructions that I want my ashes scattered over Fairlight Country Park!)

I popped into the town to visit the new shopping centre that was being built when I left.  Everyone I knew feared it would be the end of all the other shops in Hastings as everyone would go to the new centre (called “Priory Meadow”) and the existing shops would fall into disuse.  However, I saw less boarded up shopfronts today than I did when I lived there.  It seems to be pretty thriving. 

It was on the pier that I saw the most changes – it’s fantastic.  All new decking and the most amazing shops now – very much like Brighton’s Lanes – with antique shops, perfumery shops, candle makers, jewellers, but none of them tacky – all very upmarket.  It was brilliant – I was really pleased.

From the pier, I walked along to St Leonards on Sea and passed my old flat in Warrior Square.  The square hasn’t changed at all except for one hotel (I forget the name) which has been demolished and there was some construction work going on behind the security fencing.  The last time I saw the square, there was a lot of Southern Water work going on and the gardens had all been dug up and the bandstand had disappeared.  However, it’s all been reinstated now, I’m pleased to say.

Because I’d spent so much time mooching and so little time walking, it was too late to reach Bexhill.  At least I’ve got Hastings out of my system.  I really haven’t been looking forward to that stretch of coast at all.  Still, we live and learn and I did quite a bit of both there all those years ago!  I’ve done a lot more since and have grown to have fond thoughts of Hastings, something which I’m afraid I might not have done if I was still living there.

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